Do you support Enterprise Edition?

We tried … really hard! But Adobe‘s licence does not allow you to let us work for you as an Enterprise Edition customer.

Which options do I have?

There are basically two options for you to stay on Magento 1.

Keep EE but upgrade its CE core

Your Enterprise Edition is using the Community Edition core. You have some additional modules that extend or replace modules of the default Community Edition core code base.

The source code of the Enterprise Edition is not publicly available. While this is by far not a guarantee for security, it’s much harder to find vulnerabilities for third parties. Signing up for our service helps you to keep the Community Edition core code base of your Enterprise Edition secure and future-proof.

Your responsibility then is to take over code ownership for Enterprise Modules as Adobe is not providing patches for your Enterprise Edition. This also includes the migration of our CE patches into the rewritten Enterprise code segments. When in doubt please contact your developing agency or developer!

Remember: Although Adobe cancels support for Enterprise Edition Customers you still have to pay your licence fee to Adobe!

Downgrade to CE

While downgrading to the Community Edition is technically possible, it might be task that requires some additional development work, especially if you use a lot of Enterprise Edition’s features. From the financial point of view it could make sense to invest here: After downgrading to CE you’re no longer required to pay the Enterprise Edition licence fee to Adobe!

Some of the EE features can be replicated by third party modules. Please get yourself familiar with the Enterprise features you really need. Consult your developing agency and discuss a possible downgrade process path.

With the default CE core codebase you can just apply our patches.